Tuesday 24 April 2012

Desperately Seeking: An Explanation

Dear Everybody,

Once again, I am left feeling terminally out of the loop? Why? There is a literary phenomenon happening and I missed it. Missed it! Someone must pay.

What is this phenomenon, I hear you cry? Why, it is something called the Fifty Shades trilogy, and all of a sudden it is clogging up my Amazon homepage while I am in the midst of trying to order things. Important things. But I digress.

Everyone is reading these books. My nan. The security woman at work. Someone in college (who should be too busy to read at this time of year!). And you know what else? Apparently these are DIRTY books! Ooooh!

I don't know if I want to read dirty books, especially as my nan is also reading them. That's a bit odd. But I am curious. Has anyone read them? Or been bothered to Google them? Seeking explanations below...


  1. From that one little sentence you read out to me in the bookshop...I don't think I'd want to read it :P Sounds doorty!

    1. I read some of it today in Easons...filth!
