While sitting around with bits of cotton wool in my ear, and watching endless episodes of Four in a Bed, I have finished some books. Numero Uno: How to Save a Life, by Sara Zarr.
Hmm. Hmm. This book was great, don't get me wrong. But I sort of felt like I had been beaten over the head with it, and was expected to find it amazing and fantastic and life-changing. I mean, it was good, it just wasn't...all of the above, you know? And I found Jill (Protagonist One of Two) a bit annoying. Even so, if you like contemporaries, give it a bash.
Numero...two: I re-read Anna and the French Kiss. Don't judge me, I needed it.
This book is amazing, in case you've never read it or heard of it. Etienne St Clair....just read it, I'm not explaining any of it to you in case you get lazy and don't read the thing. It's brilliant.
Finally, we had Keep Holding on by Susanne Colasanti....hmmmm. I feel there will have to be an entire review for this one, to be honest. I have many issues. Many. But it is late, and I am tired...we will come to that in the morning.
See links to Goodreads...zzzzzzzz....
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