1. I will be screamed at enough times in work to warrant Solpadeine (non-Ireland based readers, it's the strongest painkiller you can buy over the counter, but the pharmacists are so stingy about selling it, I'd have an easier time procuring a nuclear weapon).
2. I will be made to feel like a criminal whilst buying my Saturday-night-wine-for-with-my-takeaway. I may look young, but the last time I checked, wine from M&S was not top of the shopping list for pre-teens who wish to get hammered in a field while groping each other. Just saying.
*Public Service Message: Don't drink before your 18/21/insert geographically appropriate age here*
3. I will read something.
Naturally, point three is the best bit.
This weekend, I have selected this bit of magnificence:
It is Girl of Nightmares, by Kendare Blake, and how gorgeous is that cover?
Dear god, I've gone out with worse looking men. But that's another post entirely.
Page 120, awesome so far, may abandon my plans to watch The X Factor and finish it tonight (not that I'd be missing much....).
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