Behold the above!!!! It is a the standard Snow White fairy tale story, only fifty times more awesome because it has such pretty illustrations inside. Love. Even though my mother did mock me for buying this instead of what she would call a 'proper' book, but hey: it looks so nice on my shelf.
In other news, I finally got to go and see Snow White and the Huntsman. Yes, this is book related because there is now a novel of this movie, and that is my justification. Ahem. Anyway, see below:
I believe I may have outlined previously how much I love all things Hemsworth, and I was not disappointed by the axe wielding turn of the elder one here. He's all grubby and Scottish. And he has bar fights and wants to avenge his dead wife. But somehow is turned to hard-man mush by a short girl who spends most of her time running around after vampires...oops, wrong movie. Basically, Snow White looks at a big deer and the Huntsman turns into a decent and worthy puddle.He's great onscreen. Get this though: Thor or no Thor, this movie is so, so good! I had read all these mean reviews for it and I wasn't expecting much, but I absolutely loved it. Charlize Theron as the Wicked Queen was the star of the show. She was as unhinged as a box of frogs guys, but in a good way (from a movie-goers perspective anyway, I wouldn't have liked living in that kingdom for real).
Then there are the dwarves-one of them is in this excellent Irish TV series called Love Hate and my brother (who came with me) was all "yeah! Represent!".
I should add that my brother believes he is both a) American and b) from 'the hood'.
If I was being super-critical, I felt the dwarves could have been a bit more multi-faceted, but what can you realistically achieve in a two hour movie? You can't exactly give eight dwarves a detailed character profile and back story in that window of time, can you?
Then on to my biggest bug-bear: Prince William. Did anyone else feel like he was a bit pointless? Just thrown in there to create a love triangle where there shouldn't really be one? Cause as far as I'm concerned, it's Snow White and Eric the Huntsman for the win! Ahem.
I kinda want to go and see it again. Which I only ever did for the Harry Potter movies. And Hunger Games, but that was special.
Also....I wonder what the next big fairytale movie is going to be?
Poison by Briget Zinn.