Book: Clarity
Author: Kim Harrington
Publisher: Point
You'd feel sorry for Clarity (or Clare, as she prefers to be known). She's sort of psychic, her mother's clairvoyant, and her brother's a medium. Whenever Clare touches something, she sees things-often things she really wishes she couldn't see at all. She's also been the long-standing school freak and her boyfriend's just cheated on her with the most popular girl in town.
All-in-all, not the best summer ever.
To top it all, a rival psychic is putting severe strain on the family business and now there's a dead girl who's death is being blamed on Clares' brother Perry. Add into the mix a plucky new detective and the added complication of his hot, hot son, you'd wonder why Clare ever leaves the house. But leave it she must; the police look at set to arrest her brother for murder and Clare must use her special psychic skills to clear his name. Without getting herself, her ex, or her new love interest killed in the process...
I LOVED this book. Loved it big style. It was so good that, two thirds of the way through, I went ahead and ordered the sequel. I never do that. I just knew even before I finished it that this book and I would be life long friends. Why?
Several reasons. The writing is clean, sharp and tidy, so the plot just zips along without feeling stilted. The narrator Clare, is fabby. She's snarky and funny and you root for her from page one. And then there's the setting. It's a beach book! They live by the sea! Brownie points before I'd even cracked the spine. Okay, the ending is a wee bit predictable but whatever, I didn't really care.
Rating? Nine out of ten. A great summer read!
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