Title: Lola And The Boy Next Door
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Source: Amazon/Book Depository
Shelfability: Get! Get now!
Oh my God. I say this about authors all the time but I don't undestand how on earth I missed Stephanie Perkins. The only excuse I have is that she hasn't been published in Ireland yet, which is a travesty of such epic proportions that I think I should write to the government or something. I'm sure they have more important things like the recession to worry about, but hey, maybe somebody knows somebody who can FIX THIS NOW!
Anyway, Lola! Lola popped up on my Amazon recommended reads and I liked the cover, so I looked her up on Katie's Book Blog and oh, my God, I'm glad I did because this book is amazing.
Lola is seventeen and about to start her last year of school. Things are looking rosy-she has a gorgeous, older boyfriend, a job she loves and she wears amazing costumes that she designs herself in her bedroom (which made me jealous enough to root out my sewing kit, I won't lie). But all of ths suddenly pales into insignificance when Cricket moves back in next door.
Cricket, as you may have guessed, is Lola's first love who broke her heart when he and his family moved away. But suddenly they're back-Cricket, his parents, and his stuck-up, nasty twin sister, who Lola hates. What's Lola going to do? Can she put up with the evil twin sister? Can she forgive Cricket for breaking her heart? Can all these things be accomplished while wearing a fabulous outfit? Read on and see...
If you have a shred of sense, you will beg, steal or borrow a copy of Lola (I do not condone stealing, it's only an expression and so on and so forth...). You need this book in your life. It's sweet, funny, romantic and really well written. Stephanie Perkins is my new idol. Now stop reading and go and get this book!
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