I am a terrible, terrible blogger.
It has been months. I know. Months. I hang my head in shame and offer my excuses. Work happened. Home remodelling happened. Elementary happened (what an awesome show, no? Hey there Johnny Lee Miller, I have never found you attractive before!). And then Elena became a vampire…I jest. It’s been really busy and my life has changed a bit but my non-resolution (don’t believe in em etc) for 2013 is to blog on a semi consistent basis (as well as to become skinny, wear nicer shoes, dye my hair before the roots show through etc etc etc…).
So what I have I been reading? Oh, lots! After the joy of Heist Society I loved Uncommon Criminals, which means I cannot freaking wait for this:

Such a good series.
Then for a few weeks I tried to be dead adult and only read books for grown up people but that didn’t really fly. I only ended up reading the two new Susan Hill novels and I love her anyway so my horizons aren’t exactly…broadened.
Even so…I reviewed one of these on Goodreads so…read it if you want to see me trying to be adult (spoiler: it’s carnage).
I dipped my toe into ‘new adult’ too (Beautiful Disaster. Just…no. Clue is in the name. Wanted to give the boy a good smack. Stupid crier). I did like Easy by Tammara Webber though, lots. It’s a little racy for YA, mind, so maybe give it a miss if you’re like 14 years old.
Then I picked up Stealing Parker:

Miranda Kenneally is really quite awesome. I really loved Catching Jordan too. She has a new book in the Hundred Oaks (god, I hope that’s the right town name) out next year and I seriously can’t wait. So excited etc.
What else? Legitimately there are a couple dozen other books at least that I’ve read and I’m staring at them as I sit here but I think I’m going to do a separate post on the ones I liked best. Soon. Promise.